Frozen Shoulder Treatment Mississauga, Port Credit

Dealing with a frozen shoulder can be both painful and frustrating, as it severely limits your range of motion and impacts your daily activities. At Art of Mobility in Mississauga, we specialize in providing targeted and effective treatment options for those suffering from a frozen shoulder. Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to helping you regain mobility and live a life free of shoulder pain.

massage for frozen shoulder mississauga

Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Beyond the Pain

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. It typically develops in three stages: freezing, frozen, and thawing, each presenting its own challenges and requiring specific approaches for treatment:

  • The freezing stage, where you start to notice pain and a gradual loss of range of motion.
  • The frozen stage, where the pain might decrease but the shoulder becomes more stiff.
  • The thawing stage, where the range of motion begins to improve.

Your Personalized Path to Recovery

At Art of Mobility, we approach frozen shoulder with a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific stage and symptoms. Our team works collaboratively to ensure you receive the most effective and personalized care possible.

Physiotherapy: Enhancing Mobility and Strength

Our physiotherapists play a crucial role in treating a frozen shoulder. Through targeted exercises and manual therapy, we focus on:

  • Increasing the range of motion in your shoulder.
  • Strengthening the muscles around the shoulder to support recovery.
  • Reducing pain and preventing future stiffness.

Chiropractic Care: Aligning for Better Movement

Chiropractic adjustments can be particularly beneficial for those with a frozen shoulder by:

  • Improving the alignment and function of the shoulder and spine.
  • Easing pain and discomfort associated with misalignments.
  • Facilitating a quicker recovery by restoring proper movement patterns.

Massage Therapy: Relieving Tension and Pain

Massage therapy is an effective treatment for easing the symptoms of a frozen shoulder by:

  • Targeting and relieving tension in the muscles around the shoulder.
  • Improving circulation to the affected area, promoting recovery.
  • Helping to reduce pain and increase movement.

Acupuncture: Aiding Recovery Through Traditional Techniques

Acupuncture complements the holistic approach to frozen shoulder treatment at Art of Mobility by:

  • Stimulating the body’s natural pain relief mechanisms.
  • Reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation.
  • Enhancing overall well-being, aiding in the recovery process.

Why Choose Art of Mobility for Your Frozen Shoulder Treatment?

  • Expert Team: Our multidisciplinary team is highly skilled and dedicated to your well-being.
  • Personalized Care: We offer treatments tailored to your unique needs and pain relief goals.
  • Holistic Approach: Our comprehensive care model addresses all aspects of your health.
  • Advanced Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with modern amenities and technology for optimal care.
physio port credit

Take the First Step Today

Don’t let frozen shoulder control your life. Contact Art of Mobility in Mississauga today to begin your journey to recovery. Our team is ready to answer your questions and guide you through the process of starting your personalized treatment plan.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Mississauga, Port Credit FAQs

The duration of treatment for frozen shoulder can vary significantly from person to person, depending on the stage of the condition upon starting treatment and the individual’s response to therapy. Typically, the process can take anywhere from several months to a few years for full recovery. Early intervention and adherence to a prescribed treatment plan can help speed up the recovery process. It’s important to maintain realistic expectations and commit to the recommended therapies, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments to achieve the best outcomes.

While it’s not always possible to prevent a frozen shoulder, especially in cases where it develops following surgery or injury, there are measures you can take to reduce your risk. Regular, gentle exercises to maintain mobility and flexibility in the shoulder can be beneficial, especially if you are at a higher risk of developing the condition. Additionally, managing underlying health conditions, such as diabetes and thyroid disorders, may also help prevent its onset. If you have had an injury or surgery, following a prescribed physiotherapy program can be crucial in preventing a frozen shoulder from developing.

If left untreated, a frozen shoulder can lead to a prolonged course of pain and stiffness, potentially lasting up to several years. While the condition may gradually improve on its own over time, the lack of treatment can result in significant limitations in range of motion and function, affecting daily activities and quality of life. Additionally, compensating for the lack of movement in the shoulder can lead to issues in other parts of the body, such as the neck and back. Seeking early treatment can help expedite recovery, reduce discomfort, and prevent long-term complications.

Yes, a frozen shoulder can return after treatment, but this is relatively rare. Once you’ve gone through the stages of a frozen shoulder and achieved recovery, the likelihood of experiencing it again in the same shoulder is low. However, some individuals may develop frozen shoulder in the opposite shoulder in the future. Maintaining good shoulder health through regular exercise, proper ergonomics, and addressing any underlying health issues can help minimize the risk of recurrence. It’s important to continue with any recommended exercises or lifestyle changes even after recovery to maintain shoulder mobility and strength.